Tag Archive: cruelty

The Drive Hunt

This video is of a drive hunt in Taiji, Japan. It contains a graphic display of dolphins being cornered, captured, and killed.

Stated to the IWC, the Japanese claim their methods of killing dolphins are of the most humane possible and instantaneous. This is obviously contradictory to what the video shows.

Taiji, Japan

In Taiji, Japan, fisherman take up a tradition that has been passed down for generations. That tradition is the fishing of dolphins. One of the greatest accomplishments of animals is the ability to pass down learned skills. In this version, the Japanese have learned the most effective way to catch and kill dolphins.

Practiced in Taiji, the Japanese will attach long metal rods to their boats. Captains brandishing hammers will bang on the rods. The sound emitted torments the dolphins. Frightened and confused they swim away. As multiple boats work in concert, pods of dolphins are driven into waters that will be their last swam.

The below video is a 3D representation of what is known as “drive hunting.”